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Physical Education and Exercise Science: Finding Journal Articles

Finding Journal Articles

Use the library discovery layer, Bearcat Search, to start your search for scholarly peer-reviewed articles, essays, reviews, and other periodical publications. It's a powerful tool that uses the keywords you input to search across all of our journal databases at once.  Below is a search box just for articles as well as tips for using Bearcat Search.


Bearch Search Portal: Use this to search for articles



Not every database will appear in your search results. Be sure to check out our standalone databases too.

Understand an Article Record in Bearcat Search

Use Citation Mining to Find More Sources

Step 1: Locate an article in Bearcat Search that works well for your topic.

Step 2: Use the article record's citation mining icons to locate similar articles.

Use Boolean Operators to Construct a Keyword Search

Use AND between keywords to narrow your search.

Example: pirates AND sea

Use OR between keywords to expand your search.

Example: (pirates OR piracy) AND (sea OR maritime)

Use NOT between keywords to exclude irrelevant results from your search.

Example: (pirates OR piracy) NOT copyright

Order Articles from Other Libraries

Order full text articles from other libraries using Interlibrary Loan.  The request page is located on the top nav of our website.