Lander faculty/staff:
One academic year (two semesters)
Lander students/outside borrowers
One semester
Anyone with a valid Lander ID or JL Outside Borrower’s Card can borrow materials from the Jackson Library. The Lander ID Card serves as a borrower’s card for students, faculty, and staff of the University. Please report lost or stolen cards to University Police (Lander ID holders only). Library cards may be used only by the person named on the card.
Borrowers who return items during operating hours can hand materials directly to the desk attendant. Additionally, there is an outdoor book drop located on the brick wall to the far right of the main entrance for returns and is available 24/7. Reserve items should be returned directly to the desk attendants during hours when the building is open. Overnight reserve loans may be returned in the outdoor book drop.
The library's service desk has a variety of useful items available to borrow for in-library use only. Time limits are set to 1, 3, or 6 hours and vary by item.
Materials not returned
Borrowers are responsible for monitoring their own accounts and can do so directly by signing into Bearcat Search. Keep close track of your due dates and be certain to have a current address on file with the library and the Registrar's Office, so that notices can be delivered promptly. Failure to receive notices is not sufficient grounds for cancelling library charges.
All borrowers are subject to a $100 minimum lost material fee assessed for all items not returned. The fee includes cost of material and physical processing. If the replacement cost is more than the minimum, the borrower may have to pay a higher fee.
Accumulation of long-overdue items will result in suspension of borrowing privileges until the patron's record is cleared.
Grant Stone
Access Services Specialist
Phone: (864) 388-8121
Caroline Jenkins
Access Services Specialist
Phone: (864) 388-8654