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Records Management: Records Management

Welcome the Lander University Records Management Guide

This guide provides information about the Lander records management program.

Records Management

Library Services within Jackson Library holds the responsibility of records management for Lander University. This guide provides links to the South Carolina's General records retention schedule for State Colleges and Universities, Lander University's specific retention schedule, South Carolina Regulations, and other useful tips to make records management a smooth process in your department.

What is Records Management?

Records Management is a system to control the creation, organization, use, retention, disposal, and selective preservation of public records. For South Carolina State Institutions, such as Lander University, Records Management ensures that administrative and academic records are maintained and destroyed in accordance with the South Carolina Public Records Act of 1973, as amended in 1990. All government agencies in South Carolina are required by law to maintain a records management program in compliance with S.C. Department of Archives and History guidelines.

What does Records Management do?

All state agencies in South Carolina are required by law to maintain a records management program in compliance with S.C. Department of Archives and History guidelines. As the administrator of Lander University Records Management, Library Services:

  • Oversees University adherence to approved records management policies and procedures in order to ensure compliance with the South Carolina Public Records Act;
  • Monitors established retention and disposition schedules;
  • Assists departments and administrative offices in identifying and standardizing records retention/disposition practices;
  • Promotes a systematic and uniform disposition of the University's vital records.

Records Management Officer