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Welcome to the Interlibrary Loan (ILL) Article Request Page

The purpose of this service is to give faculty, students and staff a way to request the full text of articles not directly available through library subscriptions. Our interlibrary loan (ILL) service is run by dedicated staff available to assist with any questions you have.  

Top 3 places to look before submitting an ILL request

1.  Have you tried looking in Bearcat Search?


2. Are you looking for an article in a specific journal? Try searching by publication name or ISSN in a Bearcat Journal Search.

3. Have you tried to  Search for your article title in Google Scholar?

Breakdown of article citation info needed for the request form

Interlibrary Loan (ILL) request form

Don't pay for it.

If you come across an article online that asks you to pay for it, don't do it. Follow the steps on this page to find access at Lander or request it through interlibrary loan (ILL).

Processing time

Requests are processed during normal business hours (no weekends). 

Articles take anywhere between 1 day and 1 week to receive.

Articles are sent to your Lander email address.

Need further assistance?

Grant Stone
Access Services Specialist
Phone: (864) 388-8121

Caroline Jenkins
Access Services Specialist
Phone: (864) 388-8654